Handa International Association


(9家族のホストファミリー   Essay by hostfamily) 03English 


ありがとう、ありがとう                             竹内 香 (Kaori Takeuchi)


 見ている方も幸せな気持ちになりました。公式行事から帰ってきた美桜に「おかあちゃん、きょうは1日一緒じゃなくてさびしかったです。」と言われ、じんときたこともありました。 ウクレレの弾き語りを聴かせてもらっているとき、アメリカから「姪っ子誕生!」のメールが届きました。ぶっつけ本番でしたが、「誕生会の歌」という日本の曲を合唱してお祝いすると「ありがとう。美しいね・・・。」と涙を流して喜んでくれました。

 相手の気持ちに寄り添って暮らすことで、短い時間でもこんなに心が通じ合うのだということを、美桜との時間が教えてくれました。 私たち家族の忘れられない思い出です。  昨年ミッドランドで娘がお世話になったご恩返しがしたくてお引き受けしたこの交流ですが、終わってみればまた、たくさんの大切なものをいただきました。関係者の皆様にも感謝の気持ちでいっ


みな楽しい思い出ばかり                        佐藤 文泰 (Fumiyasu Sato)



 Tellieちゃんは日本語が話せず、同級生の娘とはお互い手探り会話で頑張っていました。大変だったと思います。 Tellieちゃんはいろんな事に積極的で、しっかりした子でとても楽でした。土曜日に奈良に遊びに行ってきました。奈良の鹿にえさをあげたり、大仏を見たり楽しい時間を過ごせました。 食べ物はいろんな物に挑戦していました。ほとんどのものを「おいしい」と言っていました。

 Tellieちゃんが家にいた時に地震(震度は3ぐらい)があったのですが、部屋から出てきて、「あれって何?あれが地震?WOW!」とびっくりしていました。 日本がかなり気に入ったらしく、また春休みに遊びに来たいそうです。 最後に夏休みの思い出に、楽しい時間を過ごせたことを感謝します。ありがとうございました。


テリーと過ごした一週間                                         鈴木 江里(Eri Suzuki)

 8月3日から一週間、アメリカの女の子Tellieをホームステイとして我が家にお迎えしました。 我が家は、主人と私と大学生の長女, 小6の次女の四人家族で、典型的な日本人タイプ。 Tellieにとって、うちは3番目のホストファミリーなので、日本の暮らしにも慣れてきた様子で、すぐに溶け込みました。

 Tellieは、明るく歌の好きな16歳の女の子で、さりげない気遣いもできる素敵な子でした。 回転寿司、ボーリング、富士山へといろんな行事の間には、家で一緒に料理をしたり、ゲーム

 期間中サポートして下さった方々、 ありがとうございました。ミッドランドから来た三人の交換生徒達は、私たち皆の‘思い’を
受け止めてくれたと確信しています。 Tellieといつかまた会える日を楽しみにしたいと思います。


ミッドランドの交換留学生を受け入れて                竹内紀久子 (Kikuko Takeuchi)





思い出に残るホームスイ                       増井 真理子(Mariko Masui)

 今回初めてホームステイの受け入れをさせてもらい、ミッドランドの高校生と素敵なひとときを一緒に過ごすことができ嬉しく思います。 最初はいつかしてみたいと思っていたホームステイの受け入れの機会がなかなか見つからず探していたのですが、ミッドランド市のホームステイの受け入れの募集をみて、半年間は難しいけど、一週間ぐらいならできるだろうと思い応募しました。

 でも今回ミオさんというとても前向きで何事にも積極的な方と過ごすことで、私自身が影響を受けもっといろんな事に頑張ってみたいという気持になり感謝の気持ちで一杯です。 また日本の文化にも興味のある方だったので、なかなか家族で行く機会がなかった名古屋城や新美南吉記念館からショッピング、日本の高校生が好きなプリクラまで私も一緒に体験させて頂きました。

 日本の事をもう少し説明できるようにしておけばよかったかなとか疲れていそうな時は休ませてあげればよかったかなと反省点もありますが、一緒に楽しく過ごすことが大事だという事もわかりました。 ホームステイの期間もあっという間に終わってしまったのですが、またいつか会えたらお互い成長して会えるよう私も頑張りたいです。



初めてのホストファミリーを体験して                    杉浦裕香 (Yuka Sugiura)



 知多半島の夏祭りや、少し足をのばして、刈谷市のお祭りを見に行きました。また彼はスポーツが好きそうだったので、剣道の先生に協力してもらい、体験させてもらいました。 日本での体験や思い出が少しでも彼の心に残り、これからの糧になってくれると嬉しいなと思います。



「ホストファミリー」となって得られたこと              松本繁秀 (Sigehide Matsumoto)

 はじめに、スタッフの皆様の細やかなご支援により、不安なく無事に一週間を過ごすことができ、貴重な経験を得ましたことを心より感謝申し上げます 今回の受入れに際し、中1の娘と小1の息子、中1、小3の姪二人を加え、ウェルカムボードや部屋づくりなどを全て任せ、親は見守るというスタンスでおりました。






キーナンを受け入れて                           榊原志保(Shiho Sakakibara)





『Lovely  Emily』そして再びのミッドランド         瀧村 めぐみ (Megumi Takimura)

 3番目のホストファミリーの我が家は、歓迎会等に出席することが出来ず、引き継ぎのとき初めてミオと対面し、帰国までの文字通り1週間の付き合いとなりました。 引き継ぎ後、真っ先に訪れたのが31アイスクリームでした。ミオが、あずきと抹茶味を注文したのには驚きましたが、実に美味しそうに食べるのを見て更に驚きました。


 好奇心旺盛で向上心と情熱に溢れるミオが、日本の文化や生活習慣、言語等を物凄いスピードで、ぐんぐん吸収していく様は、圧巻としか言いようがありませんでした。 いつもキラキラと目を輝かせながら「本当に面白い!」と、日本で経験できるあらゆることを最大限に挑戦しようとする、そのバイタリティーに感服すると共に、ミオの意欲的な生き方は、私や娘たちに大きな刺激を与えてくれました。

 帰国前夜、フェアウェルパーティーの後、再び31へ。ミオが注文したのは、やはり、あずきと抹茶味で、思わず皆で大笑いしてしまいました。 カーステレオで流した、チューリップの【ぼくがつくったあいのうた】。 『Lovely  Emily』で始まる、その唄を「ミオの唄よ。」と紹介しまた。

 ミオの本名はEmily。ミオは嬉しそうに聴き入っていました。 翌日の別れの淋しさを紛らわすかのように、娘たちが陽気に『Lovely  Emily』と大声で唄っていました。 ミオを見送った日、カーステレオから『Lovely  Emily』が流れてくると思わず涙が溢れ、娘たちも私も静まり返ってしまいました。抑えがたいミオへの想いを胸に抱きながら・・・

 誰もが愛さずにはいられないミオと過ごした1週間は、濃密で充実した笑いに満ちた至福の時間でした。 人はたった1週間で、こんなにも心を通わせられるものなのかと。 人と人との結びつきは、時代が変わろうとも、やはり“Face to face”から生みだされるのだというシンプルな原則を実感しました。  

 ミオと同じ高校2年生の夏、私もまた交換留学生として、ミッドランドを訪れました。 25年という歳月を経てもミッドランドで過ごした3週間は、今なお鮮烈な記憶として私の心の襞に優しく刻み込まれています。 ある意味、ミオは、25年前の私でもありました。

 ミオと自分を重ね合わせながら、ホストファミリーとして過ごした日々は、また格別の感慨がありました。 私にとって、感受性に富んだ瑞々しいティーンエイジにミッドランドで過ごした時間が、 今も掛け替えのない煌めくような一生の宝物であるように、ミオの今後の人生にとっても、意味のあるものとなりますように・・・

 25年前と今回、 このような貴重な機会を与えて下さった半田市とミッドランド市の両市、関係者の皆様方に改めて感謝申し上げます。本当にありがとうございました。 そして両市の友好関係が更に深まり、この関係が永続的に続きますよう祈念申し上げます。

I  love Midland forever!!


Essay by hostfamily (English)

To be a host family of Tellie

First, I must say “Thank to Mr. Matsuishi, Ms. Toyoda and the staff of Handa international Association for their warm help.” I could complete hosting Tellie for one week without any problems and could have a valuable experience.

This time, I got my daughter (the first grade of a middle school), my son (the first grade of a primary school), and my two nieces (the first grade of a middle school and the third grade of a primary school).to make preparations such as making a welcome card, rearrangement of a room, etc. I myself just watched them working.
They did think very hard to complete those preparation works. They worked in their spare time after school and a club activity. Good job.. I was satisfied to see that Tellie was very pleased with those. The children are usually supported by someone. But, it seems that they have realized that it can be their own joy if they support someone.
The children tried hard to communicate with Teliie by using creative and interesting English which were mixed with Japanese and gestures so that Tellie did not feel lonely. I do respect my children as they were less demanding than usual to achieve their slogan of “For Tellie”. Yet, they enjoyed everyday I saw them caring Tellie They have certainly grown up. I also felt that my family ties become stronger than before.

The children are going to interact with many people in the future. I hope that this experience makes their life richer.
Lastly, I wish this kind of grass root activities will last long, although what we can do is a tiny thing.

Mr. Sigehide Matsumoto


This is the third time for me to host a foreign student. I have happy memories only.

This time, each three host families hosted a student for one week. My family was hosted a student in the second week. There was a communication note from the previous host family to describe the student’s characters and favorite things. It helped us a lot. We had the longest free time in the second week; it was convenient for us to do many things.

I would like to recommend people in Handa to participate this program at a next opportunity. I felt that Handa city office was trying to support this Midland student exchange program eagerly, as Midland is one of the sister cities of Handa. We had a lot of fun at Welcome party and Farewell party. My daughter enjoyed the high school student meeting with Midland exchange students. She also enjoyed a plant tour of Toyota factory which was a part of the high school student meeting.

Tellie did not speak Japanese. I think that she and my daughter had a hard time to communicate each other.
Tellie is a smart girl and is challenging to everything. Therefore, it was really easy to take care of her. We went to Nara on Saturday. We had a wonderful time in Nara to feed deer in the park and look at a great statue of Buddha..
She challenged many Japanese foods. She said she liked most of them.
When she was in my house, there was an earthquake. (I guess seismic intensity was around 3.) She came out of the room and said “What is it? Is it an earthquake? WOW, cool!”.
She likes Japan very much. She said she wants to come back in the next spring vacation.
Lastly, I am grateful that I could have a nice time in my summer vacation. Thank you very much.

Mr. Fumiyasu Sato


See you again !

Tellie who is an American girl stayed at my house for one week starting on August 3. My family has four members, my husband, myself, an elder daughter of a college student and a younger daughter of 4th grade ay an elementary school. I suppose it is a typical Japanese family. As we were the third host family for Tellie, she settled in my family very quickly.
Tellie is a happy wonderful 16 year old girl who loves songs. She was also kind to everybody.
We went to many places such as “Kaiten Sushi” restaurant, bowling, Mount Fuji. In my house, she experienced a Japanese life such as cooking Japanese dishes, playing games, “Origami”. Although it was a short period of time, she brought a lot of joy to my family.
I thank to the people who supported us during a home stay. I believe that three Midland exchange students enjoyed Japan.
I look forward to seeing Tellie someday.

Ms. Eri Suzuki


Memorable Home Stay

This is my first experience of a host family. I am so pleased that I could share a wonderful time with a Midland exchange student.
I wanted to be a host family and was looking for an opportunity for a long time. Then, I saw an advertisement to recruit host families for Midland exchange students. It would be difficult for me to take care of a student for half a year. But, I could probably do it if it was one week. So, I answered an advertisement.

This time, we hosted Mio who was very positive and challenging to everything. While I was living with Mio, I was influenced by her. She made me more challenging to various things. I really appreciate her.
As she was interested in Japanese culture, I could have an opportunity to go to many places including Nagoya Castle which my family did not have an opportunity to visit, Museum of Nankichi Niimi, shopping and even “Purikura” which Japanese high school students love.

It would be better if I could give a better explanation about Japan to her. It would be better if we had more rests when she was tired. But, through this experience, I learned that having a good time together was the most important.
Hosting Mio was finished very quickly. I hope we can see each other someday. I would like to thank to Handa International Association for giving me such a wonderful opportunity.

Ms. Mariko Masui


Thank you! Thank you!

I got a wonderful new daughter. 美桜 (Mio). Mio is written in Chinese characters as美桜. Her Japanese was so good that she could play a Japanese word game, “Siritori”, with my elementary school boy. She said to me “I like Japanese noodle, “Soba”. I like “Tenpura”, too.” I was happy to see Mio eating up Japanese foods one after another.

When she sang a song and played a ukulele, she received a mail from America to inform her of the birth of her niece. We all sang a Japanese song of “Birthday party song” to congratulate her. She was delighted with tears in her eyes, saying “Thank you for a nice song”.
While I was living with Mio, I realized that people did not need a long time to understand each other completely if people closely attached to each other,
It is an unforgettable memory of my family.
I participated Midland exchange student program this year in return for the kindness of Midland people when my daughter went there last year. After finishing a host family, I found that I learned many important things from this program again
I am very thankful to the people who supported this program.

Ms. Kaori Takeuchi


“Lovely Emily” and Midland again

As my family could not attend Welcome party, I first met Mio when the second host family relayed her to my family. Since we were the third and last host family for her, we hosted her until she returned to Midland.
Right after we took her over, we went to 31 Ice Cream. I was surprised that she ordered “Azuki (red bean)” and “Macha (green tea)”. She further surprised me, because she really enjoyed eating those ice cream.
She likes Japan very much and has mastered Japanese by herself. Looks like the taste of Japanese foods fits to her. She was fascinated with Japanese cuisine such as Miso soup, Sushi, baked eel, Japanese desserts and ate them up. I was really happy to see a wonderful smile on her face.

Mio is a person of full of curiosity. She is also challenging and passionate. I was overwhelmed by her when I saw Mio absorbing Japanese cultures, traditions, language, etc. very rapidly
She tried to challenge everything she could experience in Japan while she was in Handa. I admired her strong vitality. Her way of life to be always challenging gave a strong impression to us.
After Farewell party held in the evening before she returned, we went to 31 Ice Cream again. We laughed loudly, because she ordered “Azuki (red bean)” and “Maccha (green tea)” as we anticipated.
We listened to the song of “A love song made by me” by “Tulip” in the car. Since the first phrase of the song is “Lovely Emily”, we introduced it to her as the song of Mio. Mio’s real name is Emily. Mio listened to it delightfully.
My daughters sang a song “Lovely Emily” loudly and cheerfully to divert their sadness to farewell to Mio on the next day.
I could not stop crying when I heard “Lovely Mio” from a car stereo on the day we saw off Mio at the airport. It made my daughters silent, too. We really miss her.

The one week that we lived together with Mio who nobody could resist loving her, was the happiest and dense time with full of laughter.
I was surprised how much people could understand each other only in one week.
I realized that people’ ties are created by “face to face”, even the time is changed.

I visited Midland as an exchange student when I was at the second grade of a high school, the same age as Mio. Even though 25 years has passed, the memory of Midland is a vivid, unforgettable and gentle memory in my mind.
Mio is just like me at the time when I went to Midland 25 years ago.
As such, I had a special emotion when I hosted her as a host family.

I was a sensitive teenage girl when I spent a time in Midland. The memory of Midland is my life time precious treasure. I hope the experience in Handa help her in her future life.

I Love Midland forever!! I am grateful to Handa city, Midland city and the staff of the student exchange program in both cities for giving me such valuable opportunities this year and 25 years ago.
I wish the relationship between both cities will be further strengthened and last for ever.

Ms. Megumi Takimura


Hosting Keenan

This is the third time for me to be a host family. I was a little anxious initially, as I have never hosted a boy before. But, when I met him, I found he is a nice young sportsman who loves playing football and golf. (His best score is 80!) He is knowledgeable about cars and is enjoying driving. He is also belonging to a local marching band and playing a sax. My impression is he is active in various areas, comparing with Japanese high school students. He likes Japanese foods. He even challenged Nattou (fermented soybean) and Umeboshi (dried Ume). (He did not like them much.) We took him to several places. Among those places, he liked Nara very much. He was surprised to see wild deer walking in the town. At my home, he was a good brother of my 5 year son 10 month son. They played together. I felt I had a big son. I had very good time with him. I promised him to take him to Mount Fuji when he comes back to Japan. I am looking forward to seeing him again.

Ms. Shiho Sakakibara


My first experience to be a host family

I can still recall the voice of my two year old son to call Keenan “Come on Keenan!” He stayed only one week with us, but, he was a member of my family and lived under the same roof. As we speak very little English, we were anxious when we first met him.
I think he was anxious, too. My husband tried very hard to communicate with him and leave him many nice memories. He spoke English words and used body language to him. I tried to get him to experience an average Japanese life and a summer vacation. We picked up a summer festival and “Nagasi-Soumen” for that purpose. We went to summer festivals in Chita peninsula and in Kariya city. As he likes sports, we took him to a “Kendou” teacher to experience “Kendou”.
I hope he can remember what he experienced in Japan. I also hope that those experiences help him for his future.
I am very grateful to the people of Handa International Association for giving me an opportunity to meet with him and giving me such a wonderful experience.

Ms. Yuka Sugiura


Hosting a Midland exchange student

Even after I saw him off ay the airport, many regrets come up to my mind. I should have watched his physical condition more carefully. I should have had a better English capability.
I can imagine that it was a difficult time for him when he had a fever in Handa and could not fully communicate with us. I had many regrets this time.

But, he was smiling cheerfully when he went to a high school with my daughter by bicycle and talked to teachers and students and tasted “Tamasen” for school festival, when he went to bowling with my son and his friends and got the first place with a great score, when he failed to catch “Warabimochi (Japanese dessert)” during eating “Nagasi-soumen (Japanese noodle)” with the same age boys, when he enjoyed eating “Sasimi” of “Ayu (fish)” at a river side restaurant by a fish trap.
 He liked a Japanese traditional play, “Kendama (a cup and ball)” and mastered several techniques of “Kendama”. He went to a doctor and received a drip injection. It was rarely happened for a person who travelled outside his/her country. I allow myself to believe that he could remember it as one of valuable memories. I will try to remember just his happy smile when he had a fun time.
I commit myself to study harder English to prepare for a next opportunity of a host family.

Ms. Kikuko Takeuchi


